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5 Axis Smart Angle Waterjet Machine


The Smart Angle Waterjet (SAWJ) is a cutting system that tilts the cutting head to produce more accurate parts at higher cutting speeds.Its revolutionary design provides a better way to correct two common drawbacks to abrasivejet cutting taper and inside corner kickback.Slowing down the cutting speed used to be the best way.Tilting the head removes the taper from one side of the cut,leaving a vertical cut on the side of the part.
The SAWJ have five main components:
? Z-axis
? Mini-wrist
? High-precision cutting head
? Mini on/pff Valve
? Height sensor

The wrist assembly is powered by two servo-driven actuators,which allow two more axes of movement(A and B).
Operating water pressure...............40,000-87,000psi(2800-6000bar)
Water connection..............................standard UHP1/4-in.tubing port
Shop air..............................................0-110psi(4.1-7.6 bar)
Air connection....................................6mm air line
A-motor rotation................................+/-10°
B-motor rotation...............................+/-10°
The High-precision cutting head has the same functionality as the standard BOAO 90K cutting head.
The SAWJ can work on both 55K and 90K machine.